Birds sing just before the dawn. After a long season of rest, hibernation, cold & fallow time, the land is supercharged with life. I find it amazing how fast a green dot on the top of some dirt turns into a bud, a stalk, many leaves & then a fully formed large plant. Every year I watch this & it fills me with wonder. Yesterday we walked up to the top of a nearby mountain. The bigger picture from there shows the new green color to the top of some peaks, fields greening & soaring birds. In that expanse one can see the transformation & life brought by the change in energy flow. Very much like, it seems to me, the seasons in our own lifetimes; if viewed from a 'big picture' vantage point.
This new image of the chickadee in a tree with vintage lace flowers is from card series #9 (like the dream!). I am very pleased to announce a new partnership with my friends at Mountain Graphics in Hiawassee: Cindy, Alex, their son Tommy & Betty Dog are now handling direct distrubution of my card line. They are the customer service reps in the U.S., drop shipping anywhere in the country,M-F / 9-5. I am designing a brochure & later we will have magnets & journals available of all images. I'm grateful for these inspiring images I'v been given, & for my friends, family, fans & collectors that all love them!