Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tree Of LIFE

An ancient symbol
passed around for centuries from many different cultures all over the planet.      Representing unity & connectedness, the tree has roots anchored deep within the earth & at the same time reaches for the sky and stars.  For us, it holds a reminder of the mystery & wonder in all life as we cross the boundaries separating us from the love of ourselves, other creatures and planet Earth.
This tree, in an Art Nouveau style, is the beginning of the center panel design for this year's Fall Festival banner at the Campbell Folk School.  It is being pieced, appliqued and quilted by Louise MacDonald of Brasstown and will be presented at the opening of Fall Festival in October.  Look for it in the barn where the fiddles are playing some good tunes! 

Monday, June 22, 2015


Lifeblood & Lifeline, the sunlight that falls through the blue dome atmosphere of Earth is a large part of the physical equation of why we can live here.  Mystics have told us for centuries that the cells in our bodies connect us to every single thing on this planet.  New research has proven that trees and other plants in the forest have their own type of world wide web communication which is made possible by fungi. 
   The change in the sky that signals the day's end is the beginning of starlight and night.  Our bodies have cicada rhythms, & homeostasis, which are like our own internal tides which guide us, in the way that animals and plants have cycles too. These inner cycles connect us  to light and the movement of air & water.
Making waves, making way to twilight or the glory of a sunset is the beginning of a turn in our spin around the sun.  A new dance begins as we let change flow through our lives. 
   Our lives can get really colorful as a phase ends.  As we acknowledge it, loss, and  change, get replaced by other experiences. Looking up, we see the beauty & wonder of starlight which moves through our beings and touches our lifeblood.

May you find peace in the flow of Life and what this day brought to you.

Mountain Sunset in North Carolina, photo from Nov 2011 by Artist Juli Sibley

Thursday, February 12, 2015


A day for love & Everyday for love.
Much is said, more is done, when love is our Guide.    A life of our highest purpose comes from visions of love carried in our hearts.  
I'd like to see the whole world sing that song!
Go in Peace                 Walk in Love

Heart composed of 3 inch squares of commercial, hand-dyed & overdyed fabrics.  Machine and hand stitched on a hand-dyed background.   By stitch and by prayer, 2015, by Juli Sibley, with techniques from her book, "Earth Friendly Fabric Design"  available on Amazon.

"Love is the only freedom in the world
 because it so elevates the spirit
that the laws of humanity
& the phenomena of nature
do not alter its course"
                           Kahlil Gibran

Saturday, January 17, 2015


The solace of Winter is in the stillness where the plant & animal kingdoms gather their forces.  In the still space of the Dreamtime we find our own highest visions for our life's purpose.  Ice crystals & rain, thaw and retro-freezes ~ the patterns we can see mark the currents in the unseen world around us.  These patterns of color and sound, from the natural elements, are the vibrations of the universe itself.  Just  the same as the visions in our hearts which guide our choices  in the creations we plant into the world.
May the new year find you within the ways of creating greater love and peace for our Dear Mother Earth.
Blessings, Peace & Love from Juli

Fabric patterns shown here are from the movement of salt crystals in a double salt dye.  From page 67 of the book,  'Earth Friendly Fabric Design' by Juli Sibley. Available on Amazon.