Friday, October 18, 2019

The Scented Road

Breathe deeply in early Fall's breezes to feel the aliveness of swirling leaves.  The wild and bright warbler moves quickly, his movements as fleeting as the light playing on the forest floor.  
In the presence of such flourishing aliveness & last blooming flowers, it is easier to feel our own bodies connection to this eternal Source.  The strength & power of connection raises your molecular vibrations and sets your blood in tune with Divine Harmony.  Ancient ones knew this and lived the reality of it in daily life. 
How can we bring this awareness & life force into our regular hi-speed lives?     I know of no other way than going to the Source.
Your own backyard, (if it isn't paved) can be a real fine place to acknowledge the presence of the Divine. Breathe deeply and connect your senses to all that lives and grows on Earth.  Scent activates neural pathways and DNA strands in the very core of our bodies.  It is this which responds to what God only can make.  It is our life force from which we are made.  The water, clay and sunshine grow us physically, and our insides are sustained & vitalized by our connection to our Source. 
   The real way home is found in the stillness, the silence where your soul connects to the unseen world.    So easy to lose in the flashing lights and goods of the material world.  Nature is always calling you too. And the life force of all creation powers your blood, moves you in time with the love that flows through you.  it is your choice to connect with the Divinity within and that which sustains you.  There's no ap for it.....
It's a do-it-yourself project!

See more designs by Juli Sibley @ 
user name: artfromthewilds