Hope the light of this season finds you merry in your heart & full of good tidings! We've been given the gift of cold & snow dust lately. The upper slopes in this valley are covered with ice and snow. Soon, on the Winter Equinox , the first rays of the returning light will pierce the darkness. Seeds sleeping in the soil will be preparing to awaken. The sun's power and radience will be evident upon the land.
As an artist, I believe it's my work to bring light to this world by letting the Spirit move and express through me. We can all bring light to this world by sharing our love via smiles, and kindness of words and acts.
Oranges are so full of sunshine & such a contrast to the cold light of Winter here in the mountains. This portrait is drawn on green satin with oil paintstiks, which was hand sewn onto commercially printed fabric. Couched thread applique decorates 2 sides. Framed in a wide gold frame under glass.
Available for $400.
Merry MERRY !
Peace and Love Everybody
> Jules