The solace of Winter is in the stillness where the plant & animal kingdoms gather their forces. In the still space of the Dreamtime we find our own highest visions for our life's purpose. Ice crystals & rain, thaw and retro-freezes ~ the patterns we can see mark the currents in the unseen world around us. These patterns of color and sound, from the natural elements, are the vibrations of the universe itself. Just the same as the visions in our hearts which guide our choices in the creations we plant into the world. May the new year find you within the ways of creating greater love and peace for our Dear Mother Earth. Namaste Blessings, Peace & Love from Juli
Fabric patterns shown here are from the movement of salt crystals in a double salt dye. From page 67 of the book, 'Earth Friendly Fabric Design' by Juli Sibley. Available on Amazon.
Mountain Artist, Juli Sibley creates from her home studio at the edge of the forest. Her creations portray the wonder, mystery, & glory of all life forms. With paintings, prints, art quilts, batiks & drawings on paper & fabric.
Morning Song - - Hayesville, NC
828- 389-2880
Michael's Fine Arts - - Dalton, GA
800- 516- 8912 - - product design, prints & other images