Monday, February 25, 2019

The seed Takes Root

Cycles of time bring forth life on this planet.  Age to age, we continually reap the results of the planted seeds.  Both in the physical world from the soil, and in the etheric levels of our own beings, life comes forward from what is planted & tended.  The young plants are eager for life and reach towards the sun to fulfill the patterns of their beings with the fruits of creation.  
We have learned to be the gardeners who raise plants from the soil into the full, final product they produce.  This is all to nurture our own bodies within the varied forms of sunlight, water, and minerals, of which plants make their bodies.
     As masterful as we have become at growing plants for food and industry, many of us rarely tend our own inner gardens with the same clear vision.  In our bodies made from Earth, we continually harvest the results of the pattern dance of thought, word and deed.  With so many levels to our beings, we can be acting or reacting from a cross-purpose and not even realize it.  Our thoughts and belief systems must be aligned with our actions to create our true heart desires.  "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." That's how the Good Book says it.
It is mostly easy to change your mind~
It takes much skill to align your thoughts, beliefs, words, and deeds, on the many levels of our mental states to manifest the true desires of the heart and soul. 
Creating a life of Love & Passion is the Truest Beauty and the Highest Calling.
May your heart be true to your Highest Vision, today and every night, always and forever!

"Feast" watercolor and acrylic available on
see julisibley or artfromthewilds

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie, So glad to hear you are flourishing. Love the letter and Art work. A card is coming your way. Peace...Marjorie
