We go to the field in the morning as light streams over the ridge & dewdrops flash points of light ahead of us. I recall the magic, mystery & wonder I felt so often as a child. 'You just knew" that anything was possible and that adventure was not only HERE NOW and was always up ahead as well!! Summer breezes continue the dance through my house with me. The pond awaits the next entry splash. Last evening I watched bats soaring thru the front yard as twilight deepened. Their sonar locating many pounds of skeeters as they swooped faster than Air Force fighter pilots! The Full Moon makes shadows as the night creatures begin their songs. I hope you are noticing the wonder & mystery in your life. Remember this is part of your own nature; your very own divinity & joy. Heron Watercolor: in private collection of Charles Sibley. Part of the Lake Series card designs which is available at stores & gallerys listed. Prints available as well. Peace & love>>> Julie
Mountain Artist, Juli Sibley creates from her home studio at the edge of the forest. Her creations portray the wonder, mystery, & glory of all life forms. With paintings, prints, art quilts, batiks & drawings on paper & fabric.
Morning Song - - Hayesville, NC
828- 389-2880
Michael's Fine Arts - - Dalton, GA
800- 516- 8912
Redbubble.com - - product design, prints & other images
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